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The first draft:


Simulation Study

Study 1: Continuous Constant Coefficient Model

Study 2: Categorical Constant Coefficient Model

Study 3: Continuous Random Coefficient Model

Real Data Analysis



There are 32 subjects measured for 25 weeks on cognitive and physical variables as listed below.


  1. Board game 1 - Set-up BG, add pieces, tell which pieces added
  2. Board game 2 - Second Trial
  3. Forward Digit Span
  4. Backward Digit Span
  5. True Gist Recalled
  6. False Gist Recalled
  7. Elaboration consistent with story
  8. Maximum Expiratory Flow
  9. Systolic Blood Pressure
  10. Diastolic Blood Pressure.

(5,6,7 - Text memory - 25 stories (Hertzog, Dixon, Nesselroade) based on Semantic Proposition Action and there were three scores)

Cornwall Manor

Analysis Results

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