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Springer multi-author book class for LaTeX and LyX


  1. Extract the files to the folder C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.9\tex\latex\svmult.You might need to create the folder svmult (for 64 bit windows, it would be C:\Program Files (x86)\MiKTeX 2.9\tex\latex\svmult)
  2. Update MikTeX package information from the Start menu: MiKTeX 2.9→Maintenance (Admin)→Settings (Admin) and clicking the button Refresh FNDB.
  3. If using LyX, update it through the menu Tools→Reconfigure and then restart LyX


  1. Extract the files to the folder ~/Library/texmf/tex/latex/svmult. You might need to create the folder ~/Library/texmf.
    1. To create the folder, go to your user directory and Finder, click View → Show View Options → check Show Library folder
  2. (You might need to run the script “sudo texhash” in the terminal.)
  3. If using LyX, update it through the menu Tools→Reconfigure and then restart LyX
2014/09/13 22:06 · johnny · 0 Comments · 0 Linkbacks

Gmail configuration for redmine on Ubuntu

To install redmine, use

sudo apt-get install redmine

To config redmine to use gmail to send out emails

  1. In the redmine folder /usr/share/redmine/config, copy configuration.yml.example to configuration.yml
  2. Edit the configuration.yml file to add the end of the file (Note the indentations, spaces before each line, do matter)
         delivery_method: :smtp
           enable_starttls_auto: true
           address: ""
           port: 587
           domain: "" # '' for GoogleApps
           authentication: :plain
           user_name: ""
           password: "xxxxxxxxx"

To config redmine to use gmail to send out emails

To automatically fetch emails every 5 minutes, use a cron job. Note to create redmineread and redineerror label in gmail first. If your password is complex enough, remember to quote them.

*/5 * * * * /usr/local/bin/ruby /usr/local/bin/rake -f /usr/share/redmine/Rakefile redmine:email:receive_imap RAILS_ENV="production" ssl=SSL port=993 move_on_success=redmineread move_on_failure=redmineerror password='xxxxxx' unknown_user=accept no_permission_check=1 project=test allow_override=project,tracker
2014/09/04 14:05 · johnny · 0 Comments · 0 Linkbacks

Convert from LyX to LaTeX

Many ways to use. First, one can use File –> Export –> LaTeX (pdflatex). The .tex file is saved in the same folder as .lyx file.

The second way is a little bit more complex, but can be useful. Follow those steps.

  1. Open Tools –> Preferences
  2. Within the preference windows, go to “Paths” and change both “Working directory” and Temporary directory to something easy to find such as “C:\Users\LyX” (create the folder first if not existing). See the figure below
  3. Restart LyX and open the LyX file. Compile the LyX file to make sure everything works.
  4. Then go the directory your created in Step 2 such as “C:\Users\LyX”.
  5. Within the directory, you will see temporary folders starting with “lyx_tmp”. Browse to the latest folders and you will see a list of files with .tex file, .bib file, and other files.
  6. The folder provides all information you need for your latex version of the document.
  7. If you have used .bib file, there will be .bbl file whose content you can copy to .tex file. Then, you don't need the .bib file any more.
2014/07/07 13:08 · johnny · 0 Comments · 0 Linkbacks

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