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Applied Bayesian Analysis Using SAS

Data and SAS codes for the book Applied Bayesian Analysis Using SAS

Copyrighted by Zhiyong Johnny Zhang

Please contact me if you want to use the data and codes.


    1. Modeling building
    2. Parameter estimates
    3. Confidence intervals
    4. MCMC methods
    5. Hypothesis testing
    6. Model fit
    7. Model comparison
    1. Multiple regression
    2. Logistic regression
    3. Poisson regression
    4. Tobit regression
    5. Lasso regression
    1. Linear mixed-effects models
    2. Liner growth curve models
    3. Tobit growth curve models
    4. Robust growth curve models
    1. 1 PL model
    2. 2 PL model
    3. 3 PL model
    1. Mediation analysis
    2. Factor analysis
    3. SEM
    1. Missing data problem
    2. Power priors
research/johnny_zhang/applied_bayesian_analysis_using_sas/index.txt · Last modified: 2016/01/24 09:48 by