−Table of Contents
Invited Lectures and Addresses
- Zhang, Z. (2014, September). The use of relaxed and Bayesian assumptions on error terms in dynamic models of change. Paper presented at 2014 SRCD Themed Meeting: Developmental Methodology, San Diego, CA.
- Yuan, K.-H., Tong, X., & Zhang, Z. (2012, July). Bias and efficiency for SEM with missing data and auxiliary variables: Robust method versus normal distribution based ML. Paper presented at the 2nd Institute of Mathematical Statistics Asia Pacific Rim Meeting (Invited Paper Session). Tsukuba, Japan.
- Lu, Z., Zhang, Z., & Lubke, G. (2012, January). Bayesian inference for growth mixture models with latent class dependent missing data. Invited Presentation, Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong.
- June 7-16, 2011: Invited lecture on Introduction to Bayesian Analysis at the Renmin University of China.
- Zhang, Z., McArdle, J. J., & Nesselroade, J. R. (2011, May). Growth Rate Models: Emphasizing Growth Rate Analysis through Growth Curve Modeling. Invited talk at Nesselroade Festschrift, Charlottesville, VA
- July 27-29, 2009: Workshop on Bayesian Analysis at the University of Southern California
Chaired Symposiums
- Zhang, Z. (2014, May). New Developments in Bayesian Analysis. Symposium presented at the 26th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Society, San Fancisco CA.
- Zhang, Z., & Yuan, K.-H. (2012, May). Robust Statistical Data Analysis. Symposium presented at the 24th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Society, Chicago IL.
- Zhang, Z. (2011, August). Bayesian Methods for Non-Normal and Non-Ignorable Missing Data Analysis. Symposium presented at the 119th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington DC.
- Zhang, Z., & Yuan K.-H. (2013, August). Robust SEM for Non-Normal and Missing Data Using WebSEM. Workshop presented at the 119th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington DC.
- Zhang, Z. (2009, August). Introduction to Bayesian analysis. Workshop presented at the 117th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, Canada.
Paper Presentations
- Lu. Z., & Zhang, Z. (2014, July). Aggregating Time Series: Illustration Through an AR(1) Model. Paper presented at the 79th Annual Meeting of the Psychometric Society, Madison, Wisconsin.
- Zhang, Z., Wang, L., & Tong, X. (2014, July). Mediation Analysis with Missing Data through Multiple Imputation and Bootstrap. Paper presented at the 79th Annual Meeting of the Psychometric Society, Madison, Wisconsin.
- Liu, H., & Zhang, Z. (2014, July). Separating-strategy Priors for Covariance Matrices. Paper presented at the 79th Annual Meeting of the Psychometric Society, Madison, Wisconsin.
- Lu, Z., Zhang, Z., & Cohen, A. (2014, May). Bayesian model selection criteria for latent growth models. Paper presented at the 26th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Society, San Francisco, CA.
- Tong, X., & Zhang, Z. (2014, May). Robust semi-parametric Bayesian methods in growth curve modeling with nonnormal data. Paper presented at the 26th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Society, San Francisco, CA.
- Zhang, Z., Jiang, K., & Liu, H. (2014, May). Bayesian meta-analysis of correlation coefficients through power prior. Paper presented at the 26th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Society, San Francisco, CA.
- Lu, Z., & Zhang, Z. (2014, April).Robust Growth Mixture Models With Non-Ignorable Missingness. Paper presentation at the National Council on Measurement in Education (NCME) 2014 Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
- Liu, X., Liu, F., Simon, M., & Zhang, Z. (2014, April). Are the Score Gains Suspicious? – A Bayesian Growth Analysis Approach. Paper presentation at the National Council on Measurement in Education (NCME) 2014 Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
- Tong, X., & Zhang, Z. (2013, October). Nonparametric Bayesian modeling with applications in growth curve analysis. Poster presentation at the 11th Graduate Student Pre-conference of Annual Society of Multivariate Experimental Psychology Meeting, Tampa, FL.
- Tong, X., & Zhang, Z. (2013, July). Outlying Observation Diagnostics in Growth Curve Modeling. Paper presented at the 78th Annual Conference of Psychometric Society, Arnhem, the Netherlands.
- Zhang, Z., & Grimm, K. J. (2013, April). A Random-Coefficient Latent Change Score Model for Nonlinear Growth Data. Paper presented at 2013 SRCD Biennial Meeting, Seattle, Washington.
- Zhang, Z., Lai, K., Lu, Z., & Tong, X. (2012, May). Bayesian Robust Growth Curve Modeling Based on Student's t Distribution. Paper presented at the 24th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Society, Chicago IL.
- Yuan, K.-H., & Zhang, Z. (2012, May). Robust Structural Equation Modeling With Missing Data and Auxiliary Variables. Paper presented at the 24th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Society, Chicago IL.
- Tong, X., Zhang, Z., & Yuan, K.-H. (2012, May). Evaluation of Fit Statistics for Robust SEM With Non-Normal Missing Data. Paper presented at the 24th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Society, Chicago IL.
- Lu, Z., & Zhang, Z. (2012, May). Robust Growth Mixture Modeling Using Bayesian Methods. Paper presented at the 24th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Society, Chicago IL.
- Lu, Z., Zhang, Z., & Cohen, A. (2012, July). Latent growth curve models with non- ignorable missing data: Bayesian inference and model selection criteria. Paper presentation at the 77th Annual International Meeting of the Psychometric Society (IMPS 2012), Lincoln, Nebraska.
- Zhang, Z. & Lu, Z. (2012, February). Issues in Aggregating Time Series: Illustration Through an AR(1) Model. Paper presented at 2012 SRCD Themed Meeting: Developmental Methodology, Tampa, Florida.
- Lu, Z., Zhang, Z., & Cohen, A. (2012, April). Latent growth curve models with non-ignorable missing data: Bayesian inference and model selection criteria. Paper presentation at the National Council on Measurement in Education (NCME) 2012 Annual Meeting, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
- Xin, T., Zhang, Z., & Yuan, K.-H. (2011). Evaluation of Test Statistics for Robust Structural Equation Modeling with Non-normal Missing Data. Presented at the Annual Society of Multivariate Experimental Psychology Graduate Student Pre-conference, Oklahoma.
- Zhang, Z., & Wang, L. (2011, August). Overview of Full Bayesian Analysis of Non-Ignorable Missing Data. Paper presented at the 119th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington DC.
- Lu, Z., Zhang, Z., & Lubke, G. (2011, August). Bayesian Inference for Growth Mixture Models With Non-Ignorable Missing Data. Paper presented at the 119th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington DC.
- Wang, L. & Zhang, Z. (2011, August). Bayesian Estimation and Inference on Mediation Effects With Censored Data. Paper presented at the 119th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington DC.
- Tong, X., & Zhang, Z. (2011, August). Bayesian Inference for Robust Growth Curve Modeling Using t Distributions. Paper presented at the 119th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington DC.
- Lu, Z., Zhang, Z., & Lubke, G. (2011, July) Bayesian inference for growth mixture models with latent class dependent missing data. Paper presentation at the 76th Annual International Meeting of the Psychometric Society (IMPS 2011), Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong.
- Lu, Z., Zhang, Z., & Lubke, G. (2010, September) Bayesian inference for growth mix- ture models with non-ignorable missing data. Paper presentation at the 8th Annual Society of Multivariate Experimental Psychology (SMEP), Graduate Student Pre- conference, Georgia Tech Conference Center, Atlanta, GA.
- Zhang, Z. (2010, July). Testing the invariance of latent traits in multiple group analysis. Paper presented at the 7th Conference of the International Test Commission, Hong Kong, China.
- Zhang, Z. (2009, June). Bayesian SEM: Current developments and future directions. Paper presented at the American Psychological Society Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
- Zhang, Z. (2007, October). Bootstrap analysis of mediation effects. Paper presented at the Society of Multivariate Experimental Psychology Pre-conference, Chapel Hill, NC.
- Zhang, Z., & Wang, L. (2007, July). Methods evaluating mediation effect: Rationale and comparison. Paper presented at the 72nd Annual Meeting of the Psychometric Society, Tokyo, Japan.
- Wang, L., Zhang, Z., & McArdle, J. J. (2006, June). Investigating the ceiling effects in longitudinal data analysis. Paper presented at the 71st Annual Meeting of the Psychometric Society, Montreal, Canada.
- Zhang, Z., Wang, L., & Nesselroade, J. R. (2006, June). Growth rate models and Bayesian estimation. Paper presented at the 71st Annual Meeting of the Psychometric Society, Montreal, Canada.
Poster Presentations
- Zhang, Z., & Wang, L. (2010, August). Power Analysis for Linear and Nonlinear Growth-Curve Modeling. Poster presented at the 118th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, San Diego, CA.
- Zhang, Z., & Wang, L. (2007, August). Bayesian analysis of longitudinal data using growth curve models. Poster presented at the 115th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA.
- Zhang, Z., McArdle, J. J., Wang, L., and Hamagami, F. (2006, August). Using WinBUGS inside SAS for Bayesian analysis. Poster presented at the 114th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, New Orleans, LA.
- Wang, L. & Zhang, Z. (2006, April). Memory training on individual learning performance for independent and vital older adults. Poster presented at the 19th Cognitive Aging Conference, Atlanta, GA.
- Zhang, Z., Wang, L., & Hamagami, F. (2006, April). Evaluation of the intervention of memory training on short-term learning for elderly. Poster presented at the 19th Cognitive Aging Conference, Atlanta, GA.
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