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Ke-Hai Yuan and Zhiyong Zhang (2024). Modeling Data with Measurement Errors but without Predefined Metrics: Fact versus Fallacy. Journal of Behavioral Data Science 1–28

Xiao Liu, Zhiyong Zhang and Lijuan Wang (2024). Detecting mediation effects with the Bayes factor: Performance evaluation and tools for sample size determination.. Psychological Methods @pages@

Ziqian Xu, Fei Gao, Anqi Fa, Wen Qu and Zhiyong Zhang (2024). Statistical power analysis and sample size planning for moderated mediation models. Behavior Research Methods 6130–6149


Saijun Zhao, Zhiyong Zhang and Hong Zhang (2023). Bayesian Inference of Dynamic Mediation Models for Longitudinal Data. Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal 14–26

Xiao Liu, Zhiyong Zhang, Kristin Valentino and Lijuan Wang (2023). The Impact of Omitting Confounders in Parallel Process Latent Growth Curve Mediation Models: Three Sensitivity Analysis Approaches. Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal 132–150

Lijin Zhang, Xueyang Li and Zhiyong Zhang (2023). Variety and Mainstays of the R Developer Community. The R Journal 5–25

Kenneth Tyler Wilcox, Ross Jacobucci, Zhiyong Zhang and Brooke A. Ammerman (2023). Supervised latent Dirichlet allocation with covariates: A Bayesian structural and measurement model of text and covariates.. Psychological Methods 1178–1206

Austin Wyman and Zhiyong Zhang (2023). API Face Value: Evaluating the Current Status and Potential of Emotion Detection Software in Emotional Deficit Interventions. Journal of Behavioral Data Science 1–11


Haiyan Liu, Wen Qu, Zhiyong Zhang and Hao Wu (2022). A New Bayesian Structural Equation Modeling Approach with Priors on the Covariance Matrix Parameter. Journal of Behavioral Data Science 1–24

Ziqian Xu, Jiarui Hai, Yutong Yang and Zhiyong Zhang (2022). Comparison of Methods for Imputing Social Network Data. Journal of Data Science 599–618

Yujiao Mai, Ziqian Xu, Zhiyong Zhang and Ke-Hai Yuan (2022). An Open-source WYSIWYG Web Application for Drawing Path Diagrams of Structural Equation Models. Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal 328–335

Laura Lu and Zhiyong Zhang (2022). How to Select the Best Fit Model among Bayesian Latent Growth Models for Complex Data. Journal of Behavioral Data Science 35–58


Tobias Krettenauer, Jean Paul Lefebvre, Sam A. Hardy, Zhiyong Zhang and Amber R. Cazzell (2021). Daily moral identity: Linkages with integrity and compassion. Journal of Personality 663–674

Zhenqiu Lu and Zhiyong Zhang (2021). Bayesian Approach to Non-ignorable Missingness in Latent Growth Models. Journal of Behavioral Data Science 1–30

Zhiyong Zhang and Danyang Zhang (2021). What is Data Science? An Operational Definition based on Text Mining of Data Science Curricula. Journal of Behavioral Data Science 1–16

Haiyan Liu and Zhiyong Zhang (2021). Birds of a Feather Flock Together and Opposites Attract: The Nonlinear Relationship Between Personality and Friendship. Journal of Behavioral Data Science 34–52


Chang Che, Ick Hoon Jin and Zhiyong Zhang (2020). Network Mediation Analysis Using Model-Based Eigenvalue Decomposition. Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal 148–161

Yi Kuang, Zhiyong Johnny Zhang, Bin Duan and Pei Zhang (2020). Fuzzy Cognitive Maps-Based Switched-Mode Power Supply Design Assistant System. IEEE Access 183014–183024


Xin Tong and Zhiyong Zhang (2019). Robust Bayesian Approaches in Growth Curve Modeling: Using Student’stDistributions versus a Semiparametric Method. Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal 544–560

Wen Qu, Haiyan Liu and Zhiyong Zhang (2019). A method of generating multivariate non-normal random numbers with desired multivariate skewness and kurtosis. Behavior Research Methods 939–946

Kenneth Tyler Wilcox, Ross Jacobucci and Zhiyong Zhang (2019). Bayesian Supervised Topic Modeling with Covariates. Multivariate Behavioral Research 141–141

Han Du, Michael C. Edwards and Zhiyong Zhang (2019). Bayes factor in one-sample tests of means with a sensitivity analysis: A discussion of separate prior distributions. Behavior Research Methods 1998–2021

Ke-Hai Yuan, Zhiyong Zhang and Lifang Deng (2019). Fit indices for mean structures with growth curve models.. Psychological Methods 36–53


Sarfaraz Serang, Kevin J. Grimm and Zhiyong Zhang (2018). On the Correspondence between the Latent Growth Curve and Latent Change Score Models. Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal 623–635

Meghan K. Cain and Zhiyong Zhang (2018). Fit for a Bayesian: An Evaluation of PPP and DIC for Structural Equation Modeling. Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal 39–50

Haiyan Liu, Ick Hoon Jin and Zhiyong Zhang (2018). Structural Equation Modeling of Social Networks: Specification, Estimation, and Application. Multivariate Behavioral Research 714–730

Yujiao Mai and Zhiyong Zhang (2018). Software Packages for Bayesian Multilevel Modeling. Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal 650–658


Meghan K. Cain, Zhiyong Zhang and C. S. Bergeman (2017). Time and Other Considerations in Mediation Design. Educational and Psychological Measurement 952–972

Zijun Ke and Zhiyong (Johnny) Zhang (2017). Testing autocorrelation and partial autocorrelation: Asymptotic methods versus resampling techniques. British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology 96–116

Xin Tong and Zhiyong Zhang (2017). Outlying Observation Diagnostics in Growth Curve Modeling. Multivariate Behavioral Research 768–788

Zhiyong Zhang, Kaifeng Jiang, Haiyan Liu and In-Sue Oh (2017). Bayesian meta-analysis of correlation coefficients through power prior. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods 11988–12007

Haiyan Liu and Zhiyong Zhang (2017). Logistic regression with misclassification in binary outcome variables: a method and software. Behaviormetrika 447–476

Ke-Hai Yuan, Zhiyong Zhang and Yanyun Zhao (2017). Reliable and More Powerful Methods for Power Analysis in Structural Equation Modeling. Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal 315–330


Meghan K. Cain, Zhiyong Zhang and Ke-Hai Yuan (2016). Univariate and multivariate skewness and kurtosis for measuring nonnormality: Prevalence, influence and estimation. Behavior Research Methods 1716–1735


Rebecca Y. M. Cheung, E. Mark Cummings, Zhiyong Zhang and Patrick T. Davies (2015). Trivariate Modeling of Interparental Conflict and Adolescent Emotional Security: An Examination of Mother–Father–Child Dynamics. Journal of Youth and Adolescence 2336–2352

Haiyan Liu, Zhiyong Zhang and Kevin J. Grimm (2015). Comparison of Inverse Wishart and Separation-Strategy Priors for Bayesian Estimation of Covariance Parameter Matrix in Growth Curve Analysis. Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal 354–367

Zhiyong Zhang and Ke-Hai Yuan (2015). Robust Coefficients Alpha and Omega and Confidence Intervals With Outlying Observations and Missing Data: Methods and Software. Educational and Psychological Measurement 387–411

Thomas V. Merluzzi, Errol J. Philip, Zhiyong Zhang and Courtney Sullivan (2015). Perceived discrimination, coping, and quality of life for African-American and Caucasian persons with cancer.. Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology 337–344


Sarfaraz Serang, Zhiyong Zhang, Jonathan Helm, Joel S. Steele and Kevin J. Grimm (2014). Evaluation of a Bayesian Approach to Estimating Nonlinear Mixed-Effects Mixture Models. Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal 202–215

Ke-Hai Yuan, Xin Tong and Zhiyong Zhang (2014). Bias and Efficiency for SEM With Missing Data and Auxiliary Variables: Two-Stage Robust Method Versus Two-Stage ML. Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal 178–192

Kristin Bernard, Elizabeth Peloso, Jean‐Philippe Laurenceau, Zhiyong Zhang and Mary Dozier (2014). Examining Change in Cortisol Patterns During the 10‐Week Transition to a New Child‐Care Setting. Child Development 456–471

Zhiyong Zhang (2014). WebBUGS: Conducting Bayesian Statistical Analysis Online. Journal of Statistical Software @pages@

Sam A. Hardy, Zhiyong Zhang, Jonathan E. Skalski, Brent S. Melling and Chauncy T. Brinton (2014). Daily religious involvement, spirituality, and moral emotions.. Psychology of Religion and Spirituality 338–348

Xin Tong and Zhiyong Zhang (2014). Abstract: Semiparametric Bayesian Modeling With Application in Growth Curve Analysis. Multivariate Behavioral Research 299–299

Hairong Song and Zhiyong Zhang (2014). Analyzing Multiple Multivariate Time Series Data Using Multilevel Dynamic Factor Models. Multivariate Behavioral Research 67–77

Zhenqiu (Laura) Lu and Zhiyong Zhang (2014). Robust growth mixture models with non-ignorable missingness: Models, estimation, selection, and application. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 220–240


Zhiyong Zhang and Lijuan Wang (2013). Methods for Mediation Analysis with Missing Data. Psychometrika 154–184

Kevin Grimm, Zhiyong Zhang, Fumiaki Hamagami and Michèle Mazzocco (2013). Modeling Nonlinear Change via Latent Change and Latent Acceleration Frameworks: Examining Velocity and Acceleration of Growth Trajectories. Multivariate Behavioral Research 117–143


Errol J. Philip, Thomas V. Merluzzi, Zhiyong Zhang and Carolyn A. Heitzmann (2012). Depression and cancer survivorship: importance of coping self‐efficacy in post‐treatment survivors. Psycho-Oncology 987–994

Ke-Hai Yuan and Zhiyong Zhang (2012). Structural Equation Modeling Diagnostics Using R Package semdiag and EQS. Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal 683–702

Xin Tong and Zhiyong Zhang (2012). Diagnostics of Robust Growth Curve Modeling Using Student’stDistribution. Multivariate Behavioral Research 493–518

Zhiyong Zhang, John J. McArdle and John R. Nesselroade (2012). Growth rate models: emphasizing growth rate analysis through growth curve modeling. Journal of Applied Statistics 1241–1262


Xin Tong, Zhiyong Zhang and Ke-Hai Yuan (2011). Abstract: Evaluation of Test Statistics for Robust Structural Equation Modeling With Nonnormal Missing Data. Multivariate Behavioral Research 1016–1016

Lijuan Wang and Zhiyong Zhang (2011). Estimating and Testing Mediation Effects with Censored Data. Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal 18–34

Sam A. Hardy, Jennifer A. White, Zhiyong Zhang and Joshua Ruchty (2011). Parenting and the socialization of religiousness and spirituality.. Psychology of Religion and Spirituality 217–230

Zhenqiu Laura Lu, Zhiyong Zhang and Gitta Lubke (2011). Bayesian Inference for Growth Mixture Models with Latent Class Dependent Missing Data. Multivariate Behavioral Research 567–597

Zhiyong Zhang, Michael W. Browne and John R. Nesselroade (2011). Higher-Order Factor Invariance and Idiographic Mapping of Constructs to Observables. Applied Developmental Science 186–200


Zhenqiu Laura Lu, Zhiyong Johnny Zhang and Gitta Lubke (2010). Abstract: Bayesian Inference for Growth Mixture Models With Nonignorable Missing Data. Multivariate Behavioral Research 1028–1029


W. Christopher Winter, William R. Hammond, Noah H. Green, Zhiyong Zhang and Donald L. Bliwise (2009). Measuring Circadian Advantage in Major League Baseball: A 10-Year Retrospective Study. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance 394–401

Ellen L. Hamaker, Zhiyong Zhang and Han L. J. van der Maas (2009). Using Threshold Autoregressive Models to Study Dyadic Interactions. Psychometrika 727–745

Zhiyong Zhang and Lijuan Wang (2009). Statistical power analysis for growth curve models using SAS. Behavior Research Methods 1083–1094


Zhiyong Zhang, John J. McArdle, Lijuan Wang and Fumiaki Hamagami (2008). A SAS Interface for Bayesian Analysis With WinBUGS. Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal 705–728

Lijuan Wang, Zhiyong Zhang, John J. McArdle and Timothy A. Salthouse (2008). Investigating Ceiling Effects in Longitudinal Data Analysis. Multivariate Behavioral Research 476–496


Zhiyong Zhang and John R. Nesselroade (2007). Bayesian Estimation of Categorical Dynamic Factor Models. Multivariate Behavioral Research 729–756

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