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Statistics in Social Sciences: Present and Future

Welcome to the webpage for the conference Statistics in Social Sciences: Present and Future! The purpose of the conference is to create a channel to communicate and collaborate on the latest and future developments of statistical methods for social sciences.

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Agenda / 会议日程

Time 时间

May 15, 9:00-12:00pm


Location 地点

School of Statistics, Remin University of China



Invited Speakers / 应邀嘉宾

In alphabetical order

Conference Agenda

Time Speaker Title
9:00-9:05 Yanyun Zhao Renmin University Welcome
9:05-9:20 Lifang Deng Beihang University Reliability Coefficients, Multigroup SEM, and Their Applications in Psychological and Organizational Research (信度系数,结构方程模型多组分析在心理与组织行为研究中的应用)
9:20-9:35 Dong Liu Remin Uinversity 网络大数据对组织行为的预测 —- 从理论建构到数据建模
9:35-9:50 Hongyun Liu Beijing Normal University 密集型追踪数据中时变效应模型及应用
9:50-10:05 Yilin Wu Renmin University 中国教育追踪调查CEPS的调查设计与研究
10:05-10:15 Ke-Hai Yuan University of Notre Dame Structural Equation Modeling as a Statistical Method
10:15-10:30 Break
10:30-10:45 Zhiyong Zhang University of Notre Dame Network Analysis and Latent Variable Modeling
10:45-11:00 Jing Zhou Renmin University 原创还是转发?基于社交媒体UGC的交互效用研究
11:00-11:10 Yao Fan and Caimi Lin Renmin University 响应习总“走新长征路”——当代大学生使命担当分析
11:10-11:20 Sher Zaman Khan Beijing University of Science and Technology Proposed Statistical Models for study on impact of Ent: Spirit on NVP
11:20-11:40 Ping Hu Renmin University 变革背景下教育与心理统计专业硕士建设思考
11:40-12:00 Discussion

Registration 会议注册

Please register if you plan to attend the meeting so that we can prepare enough food and drinks. Thanks.


In addition to invited talks, we also accept 5-minute short talks. If you are interested in presenting your research, please indicate and provide the title of your talk during registration.


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