Table of Contents

Estimate univariate and multivariate sample skewness and kurtosis in popular statistical software

This tutorial explains four different methods for calculating univariate and multivariate skewness and kurtosis in your data: an online calculator that allows the use of Excel, SPSS, and SAS data sets directly as well as text and csv files, an SPSS program, a SAS program, and instructions for STATA.

For common questions, click here.

Online calculator

This introduces the online tool to calculate univariate/multivariate skewness and kurtosis at

The interface of the tool looks like


Data file

The data file can be chosen by clicking the Choose File button (it might appear differently for different browsers). We DO NOT save your data file and it is deleted immediately after calculation.

Type of data

The following types of data are allowed:

Select variables

A subset of variables can be used. To use the whole data set, leave this field blank. To select a subset of variables, provide the column numbers that separated by comma (,). For example

1, 2-5, 7-9, 11

will select variables 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11

Missing data

Missing data values can be provided. If multiple values are used to denote missing data, they can be separated by comma (,). For example,

-999, -888, NA

will replace all three values above to missing data.


R functions for the calculation

skewkurt<-function(x, na.rm=TRUE){
    if (na.rm) x <- x[!]
    n <- length(x)
    skew1 <- (sum((x - mean(x))^3)/n)/(sum((x - mean(x))^2)/n)^(3/2)
    skew2 <- n/((n-1)*(n-2))*sum((x - mean(x))^3)/(sd(x))^3 <- sqrt(6*n*(n-1) / ((n-2)*(n+1)*(n+3)))

    temp<- sum((x - mean(x))^4)/(sum((x - mean(x))^2)^2)
    kurt1 <- n * temp -3     
    kurt2 <- n*(n+1)*(n-1)/((n-2)*(n-3))*temp - 3*(n-1)^2/((n-2)*(n-3)) <- sqrt(4*(n^2-1)*^2 / ((n-3)*(n+5)))
    list(skew1=skew1, skew2=skew2,, kurt1=kurt1, kurt2=kurt2,

multi.skewkurt<-function (x, na.rm = TRUE){
    x <- as.matrix(x)
    if (na.rm) 
        x <- na.omit(x)
    n <- dim(x)[1]
    p <- dim(x)[2]
    x <- scale(x, scale = FALSE)
    S <- cov(x)*(n-1)/n
    #S.inv <- solve(S)
    S.inv <- ginv(S)
	D <- x %*% S.inv %*% t(x)
    b1p <- sum(D^3)/n^2
    b2p <- tr(D^2)/n
    chi.df <- p * (p + 1) * (p + 2)/6
    k <- (p + 1) * (n + 1) * (n + 3)/(n * ((n + 1) * (p + 1) - 
    small.skew <- n * k * b1p/6
    M.skew <- n * b1p/6
    M.kurt <- (b2p - p * (p + 2)) * sqrt(n/(8 * p * (p + 2)))
    p.skew <- 1 - pchisq(M.skew, chi.df)
    p.small <- 1 - pchisq(small.skew, chi.df)
    p.kurt <- 2 * (1 - pnorm(abs(M.kurt)))

    results <- list(n.obs = n, n.var = p, b1p = b1p, b2p = b2p, 
        skew = M.skew, small.skew = small.skew, p.skew = p.skew, 
        p.small = p.small, kurtosis = M.kurt, p.kurt = p.kurt)

mardia<-function(x, na.rm=TRUE){
	if (na.rm) 
	x <- na.omit(x)
	n <- dim(x)[1]
	p <- dim(x)[2]
	uni <- function(x){
		n <- length(x)
		xbar <- mean(x)
		m2 <- sum((x-xbar)^2)/n
		m3 <- sum((x-xbar)^3)/n
		m4 <- sum((x-xbar)^4)/n

		skewness <- sqrt(n*(n-1))/(n-2)*m3/m2^1.5
		kurtosis <- (n-1)/((n-2)*(n-3))*((n+1)*(m4/m2^2-3)+6) <- sqrt(6*n*(n-1) / ((n-2)*(n+1)*(n+3))) <- sqrt(4*(n^2-1)*^2 / ((n-3)*(n+5)))
		c(skewness,, kurtosis,
	univariate <- apply(x, 2, uni)
	rownames(univariate) <- c('Skewness', 'SE_skew', 'Kurtosis', 'SE_kurt')
	x <- scale(x, scale = FALSE)
	S <- cov(x)*(n-1)/n
	S.inv <- ginv(S)
	D <- x %*% S.inv %*% t(x)
	b1p <- sum(D^3)/n^2
	b2p <- sum(diag(D^2))/n
	chi.df <- p * (p + 1) * (p + 2)/6
	k <- (p + 1) * (n + 1) * (n + 3)/(n * ((n + 1) * (p + 1) - 6))
	small.skew <- n * k * b1p/6
	M.skew <- n * b1p/6
	M.kurt <- (b2p - p * (p + 2)) * sqrt(n/(8 * p * (p + 2)))
	p.skew <- 1 - pchisq(M.skew, chi.df)
	p.small <- 1 - pchisq(small.skew, chi.df)
	p.kurt <- 2 * (1 - pnorm(abs(M.kurt)))
	multivariate <- rbind(c(b1p, M.skew, p.skew), c(b2p, M.kurt, p.kurt))
	rownames(multivariate) <- c('Skewness', 'Kurtosis')
	colnames(multivariate) <- c('b', 'z', 'p-value')

	results <- list(n.obs = n, n.var = p, univariate = univariate, multivariate=multivariate)
	cat('Sample size: ', n, "\n")
	cat('Number of variables: ', p, "\n\n")
	cat("Univariate skewness and kurtosis\n")
	cat("\nMardia's multivariate skewness and kurtosis\n")


An SPSS macro developed by Dr. Lawrence T. DeCarlo needs to be used. We have edited this macro to get the skewness and kurtosis only.

First, download the macro (right click here to download) to your computer under a folder such as c:\Users\johnny\.

Second, open a script editor within SPSS


Third, in the script editor, type the following

INCLUDE file='C:\Users\johnny\mardia.sps'.
mardia vars=V2 V3 /.

Note that you will need to change the folder to the SPSS macro file you just downloaded. Also, the vars to use to calculate the skewness and kurtosis should be changed from V2 V3 to your variables.


Finally, the output is shown like


A SAS macro can be used to calculate multivariate skewness and kurtosis. We have edited this macro to get the skewness and kurtosis only.

First, download the macro to your computer, e.g., to C:\Users\johnny\. right click here to download the macro

Second, in the sas script editor, type

%inc "C:\Users\johnny\";
%mardia(data=testdataset, var=V2 V3)

The first line provides the sas macro file location. In the second, one needs to specify the data and variables to use.

An example is shown below

data cork;
           input n e s w @@;
         72 66 76 77   91 79 100 75
         60 53 66 63   56 68 47 50
         56 57 64 58   79 65 70 61
         41 29 36 38   81 80 68 58
         32 32 35 36   78 55 67 60
         30 35 34 26   46 38 37 38
         39 39 31 27   39 35 34 37
         42 43 31 25   32 30 30 32
         37 40 31 25   60 50 67 54
         33 29 27 36   35 37 48 39
         32 30 34 28   39 36 39 31
         63 45 74 63   50 34 37 40
         54 46 60 52   43 37 39 50
         47 51 52 43   48 54 57 43

         %inc "C:\Users\johnny\";
         %mardia(data=cork, var=n e s w)

The sample output looks like this


Univariate skewness and kurtosis can be calculated in STATA along with other descriptive statistics by adding detail as an option to the summarize command:

summarize var1 var2 var3 var4, detail

Just change var1, var2, etc. to the variables of interest in your data set. Skewness and kurtosis will appear in the lower right corner of each variable's output

Multivariate skewness and kurtosis can then be calculated using the following syntax:

mvtest normality var1 var2 var3 var4, stats(skewness kurtosis)

Again, specify the appropriate variable names. The sample output will appear as


Can you calculate the statistics for me?

Which variables should I use?

Should I include reverse codings?

What if I didn't use any continuous variables in my paper?

What if my paper has more than one study?

What if my data is in a format not listed here?

What criteria did you use for selecting papers?