===== Supplementary materials for Lu, Zhang, & Lubke (2011) ===== ==== OpenBUGS codes for real data analysis ==== * MNAR analysis############################################## ## GMM with non-ignorable missingdata ## ############################################## model { ######################## ## model ######################## for( i in 1:N ) { # --------- Model the latent mixture, parameter: lambda.--------- z[i] ~ dcat(lambda[i,1:2]) lambda[i,1] <- phi(zeta0+zeta1*x[i]) lambda[i,2] <- 1-lambda[i,1] # --------- Model the growth curve, parameters: L, S, pre.etasigma, pre.phi --------- for(t in 1:Time) { y[i,t] ~ dnorm(mu[i,t], pre.phi[z[i]]) mu[i,t]<-eta[i,1]+(t-1)*eta[i,2] } eta[i,1:2] ~ dmnorm(etamu[z[i],1:2], pre.etaphi[z[i],1:2,1:2]) # --------- Model the missingness, parameters:gamma0, gamma1 --------- for (t in 1:Time) { R[i,t] ~ dbern(p[i,t]) p[i,t] <- phi(gamma0[t]+gamma1[t]*(z[i]-1)+gamma2[t]*x[i]) } } ######################## # priors parameters ######################## # --------- etamu=beta --------- # Intercept etamu[1,1]~dnorm(0, 1.0E-6) etamu[2,1]~dnorm(0, 1.0E-6) # Slope etamu[1,2]~dnorm(0, 1.0E-6) etamu[2,2]~dnorm(0, 1.0E-6) # --------- D (pre.etaphi) --------- pre.etaphi[1,1:2,1:2] ~ dwish(V[1:2,1:2],2) pre.etaphi[2,1:2,1:2] ~ dwish(V[1:2,1:2],2) V[1,1]<-1 V[2,2]<-1 V[1,2]<-0 V[2,1]<-V[1,2] Cov[1,1:2,1:2] <-inverse(pre.etaphi[1,1:2,1:2]) varI[1] <- Cov[1,1,1] varS[1] <- Cov[1,2,2] cov[1] <- Cov[1,1,2] Cov[2,1:2,1:2] <-inverse(pre.etaphi[2,1:2,1:2]) varI[2] <- Cov[2,1,1] varS[2] <- Cov[2,2,2] cov[2] <- Cov[2,1,2] # --------- pre.phi --------- pre.phi[1] ~ dgamma(0.001, 0.001) pre.phi[2] ~ dgamma(0.001, 0.001) phi[1] <- 1/pre.phi[1] phi[2] <- 1/pre.phi[2] # --------- zeta0 & zeta1 --------- zeta0 ~dnorm(0, 1.0E-6) zeta1 ~dnorm(0, 1.0E-6) # --------- gamma --------- for (t in 1:Time) { gamma0[t] ~ dnorm(0,1.0E-6) gamma1[t] ~ dnorm(0,1.0E-6) gamma2[t] ~ dnorm(0,1.0E-6) } # --------- Re-parametric --------- par[1] <- etamu[1,1] par[2] <- etamu[2,1] par[3] <- etamu[1,2] par[4] <- etamu[2,2] par[5] <- varI[1] par[6] <- varI[2] par[7] <- varS[1] par[8] <- varS[2] par[9] <- cov[1] par[10]<- cov[2] par[11]<- phi[1] par[12]<- phi[2] par[13]<- zeta0 par[14]<- zeta1 for (j in 1:Time) { par[14+j] <- gamma0[j] #par[15],[16],[17],[18],[19] par[14+Time+j] <- gamma1[j] #par[20],[21],[22],[23],[24] par[14+2*Time+j] <- gamma2[j] #par[25],[26],[27],[28],[29] } } ==== History plots for real data analysis ==== * {{:research:history_70000.pdf|History plots for real data analysis}} ==== Supplementary results ==== === Simulation results for N=1000 and 1500 ==== * {{:research:bayesianmixture_simulationtables.pdf|(4 simulation results tables for N=1000) + (4 simulation results tables for N=1500)}} === An example of inaccurate real data analysis and simulation results for N=500 ==== * {{:research:bayesiangmm_tables_supplement.pdf|(1 example of inaccurate real data analysis for comparison) + (4 simulation results tables for N=500) + (1 summary table)}}