/*** Setup the global parameters ***/ /*The parameters below should be changed accordingly*/ *%LET filename="c:\zzy\mnarmediation\active1.txt"; * data file directory and name; %LET varname=x m y; *specify variable names in the data file. Please use x for the input variable, m for the mediation variable, and y for the output variable. a1 and a2 are two auxiliary variables in the data file. You can use any names except for x, m, and y for naming the auxiliary variables; %LET missing=99999; *specify the missing data value; %LET nboot = 1000; *define the number of bootstraps B; %LET alpha = 0.95; *define the confidence level; %LET seed = 2010; *random number seed; /*** End of setup of global parameters ***/ data all; input col1-col4; cards; 0 0 0 0 ; run; %MACRO runsim(i); data temp; number = &i; datastr=put(number, 4.); datastrcomp=compress(datastr,''); commd ='cp /pscratch/zzhang4/Private/mediation/data/simucond/data-noav-'||datastrcomp||'.txt data.txt'; run; data _null_; set temp; file 'cp.sh'; put commd; run; data _null_; X 'chmod 755 cp.sh'; X './cp.sh'; X 'rm -f cp.sh'; run; quit; /*In general, there is no need to change the codes below*/ /*Read data into sas*/ DATA dset; INFILE "data.txt"; INPUT &varname; ARRAY nvarlist &varname; DO OVER nvarlist; IF nvarlist = &missing THEN nvarlist = .; END; RUN; /*Calculate covariance matrix based on pairwise deletion*/ PROC CORR DATA=dset cov OUTP=ocov nosimple nocorr noprint nomiss; RUN; QUIT; DATA ocov; SET ocov; KEEP x m y; RUN; /*** Bootstraping data to obtain standard errors and confidence intervals ***/ DATA bootsamp; DO sampnum = 1 to &nboot; DO i = 1 TO nobs; ran = ROUND(RANUNI(&seed) * nobs); SET dset nobs = nobs point = ran; OUTPUT; END; END; STOP; DROP i; RUN; QUIT; PROC CORR DATA=bootsamp cov OUTP=bcov nosimple nocorr noprint nomiss; by sampnum; RUN; QUIT; DATA bcov; SET bcov; KEEP x m y; RUN; /*** Calculate the BC intervals based on the point estimates from different bootstrap samples and produce a table containing the points estimates, standard errors, confidence intervals in the output window.***/ PROC IML; START main; USE ocov; READ ALL INTO Y; USE bcov; READ ALL INTO X; n=NROW(X); m=n/6; oest= Y[1,2]/Y[1,1]*(Y[2,3]*Y[1,1]-Y[1,2]*Y[1,3])/(Y[1,1]*Y[2,2]-Y[1,2]*Y[1,2]); best=J(m,1,0); a=J(1,m,0); b=J(1,m,0); temp=0; DO j=1 TO m; temp=1+(j-1)*6; a[j]= X[temp,2]/X[temp,1]; b[j]= (X[temp+1,3]*X[temp,1]-X[temp,2]*X[temp,3])/(X[temp,1]*X[temp+1,2]-X[temp,2]*X[temp,2]); best[j]=a[j]*b[j]; END; result=J(1,4,0); result[1] = oest; alphas=1-(1-&alpha)/2; zcrit = PROBIT(alphas); result[2]=SQRT((SSQ(best) -(SUM(best))**2/n)/(n-1)); print result; number=0; DO i=1 TO m; IF oest[1]m THEN up=m; result[3]=best[low]; result[4]=best[up]; create bcci from result; append from result; FINISH; RUN main; QUIT; /*Combine results*/ %MEND runsim; %MACRO batch; %LET r=1001; %DO %WHILE (&r <=2000); %runsim(&r); %LET r = %eval(&r+1); data all; set all bcci; run; %END; %MEND batch; %batch; data _NULL_; set all; file "all.txt"; put col1-col4; run; quit;