## R function to rate the package download<-function(package="base",lib.loc = NULL){ dir <- system.file(package = package, lib.loc = lib.loc) if (dir == "") { gettextf("You have not installed the package %s. You can only rate a package you installed already. Thanks. ", sQuote(package)) }else{ meta <- packageDescription(pkg = package) meta <- URLencode(paste(meta$Version, ";", meta$Built, ";", meta$Maintainer, ";", meta$Repository), TRUE) dir <- system.file(package = "RCurl", lib.loc = lib.loc) if (dir == ""){ URL<-paste('http://rstats.psychstat.org/rate.php?type=1&name=', package, '&meta=', meta, sep='') browseURL(URL) }else{ library('RCurl') getForm("http://rstats.psychstat.org/rate.php", type='1', name=package, meta=meta, rcurl='1') } } cat("Thanks for your feedback!\n") } like<-function(package="base",lib.loc = NULL){ dir <- system.file(package = package, lib.loc = lib.loc) if (dir == "") { gettextf("You have not installed the package %s. You can only rate a package you installed already. Thanks. ", sQuote(package)) }else{ meta <- packageDescription(pkg = package) meta <- URLencode(paste(meta$Version, ";", meta$Built, ";", meta$Maintainer, ";", meta$Repository), TRUE) dir <- system.file(package = "RCurl", lib.loc = lib.loc) if (dir == ""){ URL<-paste('http://rstats.psychstat.org/rate.php?type=2&name=', package, '&meta=', meta, sep='') browseURL(URL) }else{ library('RCurl') getForm("http://rstats.psychstat.org/rate.php", type='2', name=package, meta=meta, rcurl='1') } } cat("Thanks for your feedback!\n") } dislike<-function(package="base",lib.loc = NULL){ dir <- system.file(package = package, lib.loc = lib.loc) if (dir == "") { gettextf("You have not installed the package %s. You can only rate a package you installed already. Thanks. ", sQuote(package)) }else{ meta <- packageDescription(pkg = package) meta <- URLencode(paste(meta$Version, ";", meta$Built, ";", meta$Maintainer, ";", meta$Repository), TRUE) dir <- system.file(package = "RCurl", lib.loc = lib.loc) if (dir == ""){ URL<-paste('http://rstats.psychstat.org/rate.php?type=3&name=', package, '&meta=', meta, sep='') browseURL(URL) }else{ library('RCurl') getForm("http://rstats.psychstat.org/rate.php", type='3', name=package, meta=meta, rcurl='1') } } cat("Thanks for your feedback!\n") } rate<-function(package="base",rating=5,lib.loc = NULL){ dir <- system.file(package = package, lib.loc = lib.loc) if (dir == "") { gettextf("You have not installed the package %s. You can only rate a package you installed already. Thanks. ", sQuote(package)) }else{ if (rating %in% 1:5){ meta <- packageDescription(pkg = package) meta <- URLencode(paste(meta$Version, ";", meta$Built, ";", meta$Maintainer, ";", meta$Repository), TRUE) dir <- system.file(package = "RCurl", lib.loc = lib.loc) if (dir == ""){ URL<-paste( 'http://rstats.psychstat.org/rate.php?type=4&name=', package, '&rating=', rating, '&meta=', meta, sep='') browseURL(URL) }else{ library('RCurl') getForm("http://rstats.psychstat.org/rate.php", type='4', name=package, rating=rating, meta=meta, rcurl='1') } cat("Thanks for your feedback!\n") }else{ cat('The rating has to be 1 from 5.') } } } Comment<-function(package="base",comment=NULL,lib.loc = NULL){ dir <- system.file(package = package, lib.loc = lib.loc) if (dir == "") { gettextf("You have not installed the package %s. You can only rate a package you installed already. Thanks. ", sQuote(package)) }else{ if (!is.null(comment)){ meta <- packageDescription(pkg = package) meta <- URLencode(paste(meta$Version, ";", meta$Built, ";", meta$Maintainer, ";", meta$Repository), TRUE) dir <- system.file(package = "RCurl", lib.loc = lib.loc) if (dir == ""){ URL<-paste('http://rstats.psychstat.org/rate.php?type=5&name=', package, '&comment=',URLencode(comment, TRUE), '&meta=', meta, sep='') browseURL(URL) }else{ library('RCurl') getForm("http://rstats.psychstat.org/rate.php", type='5', name=package, comment=URLencode(comment, TRUE), meta=meta, rcurl='1') cat('Thanks for your feedback!\n') } }else{ cat('Please provide your comment first.') } } } view<-function(package="base",comment=FALSE, ncomment=1:5, lib.loc = NULL){ dir <- system.file(package = "RCurl", lib.loc = lib.loc) if (dir == ""){ URL<-paste('http://rstats.psychstat.org/comments.php?name=', package, sep='') browseURL(URL) }else{ library('RCurl') rating<-getURL(paste('http://rstats.psychstat.org/comments.php?name=', package, sep='')) temp<-strsplit(rating, "\n") rate<-temp[[1]][2] rate<-unlist(strsplit(rate, ";", fixed=TRUE)) for (i in 1:4){ cat(rate[i], "\n") } cat("\n") if (comment){ if (length(temp[[1]])==3) stop("No comment available yet") a<-temp[[1]][4] b<-strsplit(a, "", fixed=TRUE) d<-strsplit(b[[1]], " ", fixed=TRUE) nd<-length(d)-1 cat("There are ", nd, " comments in total.\n") if (max(ncomment)>nd){ ncomment<-1:nd } for (i in (ncomment+1)){ txt<-d[[i]] txt<-sub("","",txt[2],fixed=TRUE) txt<-sub("","",txt,fixed=TRUE) cat(i-1, txt, "\n") } } } }