If you are using a Mac, use the following similar software
See the screen below:
For more information, go to http://wiki.crc.nd.edu/wiki/index.php/Submitting_Batch/SGE_jobs
mkdir test
or do that within Notepad++ using the FTP plugin
nano test.R
The content of the R file is
#!/bin/csh #$ -M xxxx@nd.edu #$ -m abe #$ -r y module load R R CMD BATCH test.R
qsub test.sh
Your job should be submitted now.
qstat -u netid
Your job should already finished by now, so you won't see anything for this simply example.
Sometimes, it might be convenient to split a big jobs to smaller ones. Preferably, each small job runs within its own folder. For example, one might have a sas job in the following folders
Within each folder, there is a sas file called runsas.sas. To submit such jobs, use the batch file with contents below
#!/bin/csh #$ -M zzhang4@nd.edu #$ -m abe #$ -r y #$ -t 1-4 module load sas cd sasjob$SGE_TASK_ID sas runsas.sas
If one prefers to put all small jobs in one folder like
Then the following script file can be used
#!/bin/csh #$ -M zzhang4@nd.edu #$ -m abe #$ -r y #$ -t 1-4 module load sas sas sasjob$SGE_TASK_ID.sas
To reset the CRC environment, use