====== Sunday, May 22 ====== Deadline of revision of IMPS 2011 abstract ====== Saturday, May 21 ====== ====== Friday, May 20 ====== Deadline of early bird registration for IMPS 2011 ====== Thursday, May 19 ====== Laura: Finish analyzing LGCM 500 results Laura: Finish analyzing GMM 1000 results Jesse: Finish analyzing GMM1500 results ? Laura: Finish analyzing bigsep ExtendedGMM 1000 results Brian: Finish analyzing bigsep ExtendedGMM 1500 results Brian: running smallsep ExtendedGMM 1500 Jesse: running smallsep ExtendedGMM 1000 Laura: Send NN LGCM 4 models tonight ====== Wednesday, May 18 ====== ====== Tuesday, May 17 ====== Send the stat-up list Justify each item? Jess: Analyze NNLGCM500 X 4models results Laura: Analyze small Classsep ExtendedGMM1000/1500 X 3models results Report DIC and other comparison results to Johnny ====== Monday, May 16 ====== Write the startup list Laura: Analyze ExtendedGMM1000/1500 X 3models results Laura: Send small Classsep, ExtendedGMM1000/1500 X 3models to CRC Jesse: Analyze NNLGCM500 X4models Jesse: Analyze GMM1500 X 16models results Jesse: Send NNLGCM500 X 4models to CRC Jesse: Send TNLGCM500 X 16models to CRC ====== Sunday, May 15 ====== Laura: Submit ExtendedGMM1000 Laura: Analyze GMM1000 X 16models results ====== Saturday, May 14 ====== contact CRC for sas permission Rewrite sas in R Jesse: Sumbit GMM1500 X 16models to CRC Brian: Submit ExtendedGMM1500 X 5models to CRC ====== Friday, May 13 ====== Meet Paul in CRC SAS was down in CRC Jesse: need to be authorized to install sas ====== Thursday, May 12 ====== Test 4NNXS model for 1TN data Move to Qing's room ====== Wednesday, May 11 ====== Preparing moving Send: Robust GMM 1000 ====== Tuesday, May 10 ====== Obtain the model Comparison Indices Send medicines to Brian ====== Monday, May 9 ====== Fix wash machine Apply Sam's Club card Buy Fish oil, Lutein, LeiFenShi, Vitamins ====== Monday, May 9 ====== 1TN, 3NN: estimation; Model comparisons Real data analysis Other simulation conditions Compare: pattern mixture/selection model Write the simulation frame Study 1: normal GCM with non-ignorable missingness Study 2: robust GCM with non-ignorable missingness Study 3: robust GMM with non-ignorable missingness Study 4: Model comparisons: Dhat, DhatAIC, DhatBIC(min, mean), DIC, RDIC, Dbar, DbarAIC, DbarBIC(min, mean) Discussion: #classes, df ====== Sunday, May 8 ====== test for DIC calculation Re-run simulations (to save ymis) Mixture models DIC: mode + mean ====== Saturday, May 7 ====== Mother's Day!!!!!!!!!! phone call ExactDIC to compare (1TN and 2NN), (robust LGCM) Write Likelihood for all models Test to save eta mean in CRC Write R code to extract eta, CM posterior mean Write new BUGSdata prepareing for Dhat Re-Run the BUGS simulation (to save eta) ====== Friday, May 6 ====== Fit Index: BIC, newBIC, RoughDIC ExactDIC ====== Thursday, May 5 ====== Run 1TN2NN with missing data in CRC Lunch Run 1t/2N/3N for Normal+outliers on both sides ====== Thursday, May 5 ====== Report results to Johnny Summarize BIC Re-summarize LGCM results including df Run 1t/2N for 1t complete data or with ignorable missing values Run 1t/2N for 1t data with non-ignorable missing values ====== Wednesday, May 4 ====== Run simulation GMM_TNXS (df?) Summarize results of GMM_TNXS ====== Tuesday, May 3 ====== Tom, Tax Run LGCM_TNXS simulaiton Summarize LGCM_TNXS results Summarize deviance ====== Monday, May 2 ====== Summarize old LGCM_NNXS simulation results Design new LGCM_NNXS beating NNXY Run new LGCM_NNXS simulation Summarize LGCM_NNXS results (good) Summarize deviance ====== Sunday, May 1 ====== start new simulation Summarize simulation results ====== Saturday, April 30 ====== Get suggestions from Johnny Lunch Submit Latex and pdf Designed new simulation for LGCM Shower Meet Xue Qing? 7pm: Bible Study ====== Friday, April 29 ====== Send out paper Upload supplement tables and sample code Dinner with Ting family Summarize simulation results Report result to Johnny. Meeting? ====== Thursday, April 28 ====== Ask Peggy about MNAR OPT application 1pm-3pm: Meet Johnny for more simulation design 3:30pm-4:30pm: QSG 5pm-6:30pm: Peggy's class presentations 7:00pm dinner with Serina Start simulation ====== Wednesday, April 27 ====== 11am-12pm: Paper proofreading Lunch + think simulation 1:30pm-3pm: Johnny's SEM review class Mail out transcripts meet OPT staff Revise paper 6pm: Continue doing simulation for defense Take people go shopping Take photos Dinner 8pm-9pm: Read, revise my paper ====== Tuesday, April 26 ====== Propose! Peggy's class Dinner invitation Read Johnny's copy data Apply for OPT: photos, CV Fill the form Revise my paper Read Johnny's paper Read notes + chapter 14 ====== Monday, April 25 ====== Prepare for proposal Proposal slides ====== Thursday, April 21 ====== deadline of paper revision! QSG Peggy's class Prepare for proposal Read Johnny's Bayesian notes (1) ====== Wednesday, April 20 ====== Johnny class revise the paper read the paper again Submit the revised paper Defense date notice OPT preparation Proposal Slides!!! Read Johnny's Bayesian notes (1) ====== Tuesday, April 19 ====== Meeting Gitta for some suggestions Cover letter 3:30-4:30pm OPT SESSION !!!!!!!! Peggy's class Cover letter OPT preparation Shower ====== Monday, April 18 ====== Meet Johnny for some suggestions Send the revised version to Gitta Cook ====== Sunday, April 17 ====== Revise paper Real data ====== Saturday, April 16 ====== Revise paper Simulation ====== Friday, April 15 ====== mail out tax forms Real data Simulation with N=500, or 200 Revise paper!!! ====== Thursday, April 14 ====== 8833 forms Meeting with Gitta QSG Peggy's class Revise the paper!!! ====== Wednesday, April 13 ====== Johnny Gitta SAGE UGA Revise Paper!!! Dinner ====== Tuesday, April 12 ====== Austin UGA email Paper !!!!!!! Proposal Slides ====== Previous Tasks ====== * [[February 1-28]] * [[November 1-10]] * [[October 1-31]] * [[September 1-30]] * [[August 1-31]] * [[Jun 1-30]] * [[May 1-31]] * [[April 1-30]] * [[March 5-31]]